What is this?

Social media can be defined as an umbrella term used to describe forms of digital communication and user-generated content enabled by web-based technology. Users of social media are able to generate and share content such as text, images, audio, and video amongst user groups and virtual communities. It promotes ubiquitous, decentralized connections and establishes a new way to socially interact with others by sharing information and ideas through digital means. Social media empowers users to easily and rapidly connect with one another, creating new forms of social networks and expanding existing ones.

See also: collective intelligence, decision making, narrative warfare, systems thinking

The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger 487,150

DarkHorse Podcast with Daniel Schmachtenberger & Bret Weinstein 285,486

Neurohackers Advice on What We Must Do to Stop the End of Civilization | Daniel Schmachtenberger 179,233

War on Sensemaking V, Daniel Schmachtenberger 135,606

War on Sensemaking II, Daniel Schmachtenberger 112,711

Making Sense of the Downward Spiral, Daniel Schmachtenberger 110,905

Making Sense of Sensemaking: Daniel Schmachtenberger, Jamie Wheal, Jordan Hall 89,643

Saving Civilization: Healthcare, Tech, Democracy (w/Daniel Schmachtenberger) 86,669

SURVIVING the God-Like Technology That Can Kill Us All | Daniel Schmachtenberger on AMP 74,334

rp daily: a conversation that will blow your mind with Daniel Schmachtenberger 68,996